Currently, all in-house and CYO Sports registrations are handled through
1. Create a family account with; *OLMC Code: 172OLMC-IN
2. Please register with Orgs Online for each individual sport. (Only create one family account)
3. Every player participating in a CYO sanctioned sport (grades 3-8) must complete a sport physical form.
*Physical Forms must be turned into the sports office at OLMC.
4. Registration must be completed by the given deadline. Late Registrants will not be guaranteed placement on a team and a $25 late fee will be charged
5. Payment is due along with the online registration. Online payment via electronic check or credit card is accepted.
6. CYO Policy- Only members of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish may participate in CYO Sports. If you are not a member, please contact Tina Fletcher about sporting options.
Fall Sports- Registration: Closed
Sport Grades Cost
Cheerleading (Grades 3-8) $95
CYO Cross Country (Grades 3-8) $95
CYO Football (Grades 3-8) $145
CYO Fall Kickball (Not Available Due to Construction)
Fall Sports- Registration: Closed
Sport Grades Cost
CYO Girls Volleyball (Grades 4-8) $115
OLMC Flag Football (Grades KG-1st) $95
(2nd Seperate)
OLMC Rec. Volleyball (Grades 2-3) $95
OLMC Rec Soccer. (PreK-2nd) $95
Winter Sports- Registration Open
Sport Grades Cost
CYO Boys Basketball (Grades 4-12) $115 (Deadline September 23rd)
CYO Girls Basketball (Grades 4-8) $115 (Deadline December 16th)
1-2-3 Basketball (Grades 1-3) $95 (Deadline January 13th)
Spring Sports-Games begin after Easter
Sport Grades Cost
CYO Boys Volleyball (Grades 4-8) $115
CYO Co-Ed Track (Grades 3-8). $90 (Deadline March 3rd)
CYO Spring Kickball (Grades 3-8) $105 postponed until after construction
CYO Co-Ed Soccer (Grades 5-8) $115 (Deadline March 3rd)
CYO Baseball (Grades 7-8) $115 (Deadline March 3rd)
In-House Co-Ed Soccer (Grades PreK-4th) $95 (Deadeline March 10th)
In-House Co-Ed Rec Baseball. (Grades PrK-4). $110 (Deadline March 10th)
In-House Lacrosse 3/1 (Grades KG-2nd-Co-Ed) $65
In-House Lacrosse 3/1 (Grades 3rd/4th Girls) $100
In-House Lacrosse 3/1 (Grades 5th/6th Girls) $100
In-House Lacrosse 3/1 (Grade 3rd/4th Boys) $100
In-House Lacrosse 3/1 (Grades 5th/6th Boys) $100
In-House Lacrosse 3/1 (Grades 6th-8th Girls) $125